报名费 : RM150 (每队-四人为一队)
报名截止日期 : 2009年6月24日,下午 5 pm之前
总冠军 RM 500现金 + 奖牌 +证书
亚军 RM 300现金 + 奖牌 +证书
季军 RM 200现金 + 奖牌 +证书
殿军 RM 100现金 + 奖牌 +证书
四份优异奖 价值RM 50的礼品
或联络王小婷 012-3269069,电邮nicole.wong89@gmail.com
或王愉佩 012-3682815, mailto:yupey-26@hotmail.com
及存入报名费於 CIMB Back Acc No:14220012374053 (Ren Xi Event Management),
“For Youth-Mental &Physical Obstacles Challenge”
Beliawanis Wanita MCA Wilayah Persekutuan (Beliawanis Wilayah) will be organizing an outdoor event in KL Tower with the theme of “For Youth-Mental &Physical Obstacles Challenge “ on 28th June 2008, Sunday at 8.00am.
This is one of the 3 plans in Beliawanis Wilayah’s agenda called “3 Plans for 1 Objective”. Plan 1 emphasizes on health and increased sports activities for youth’s. Beliawanis Wilayah decided to begin their plan by using outdoor activities to foster team spirit as, there are activities that challenge the mind and for physical; there would be flying fox session and other exciting adventure games. Beliawanis Wilayah believes that participants of this event would value the true meaning of team spirit and be clear headed constantly to face the next challenge.
At the same time, Beliawanis Wilayah also decided to hold their swearing-in ceremony at the same event as their innovative outdoor activities.
YB Tan Sri Datuk Senator Tee Hock Seng,JP will be the Guest of Honour to officiate the event. Tan Sri is also the Treasurer-General cum State Liaison Chairman of Wilayah Persekutuan.
Besides, Beliawanis Wilayah is pleasured to have YB Senator Heng Seai Kie, the Deputy Minister of Information, Communication and Culture cum the Secretary-General of Wanita MCA to be the Guest of Closing for the mentioned event.
Event details are as follow:
Registration Fees : RM150 ( for Team of 4 persons)
Closing date : 24th June 2009 before 5pm
(Limited to 50 participating teams based on firstcome first served)
Prizes as follow:
Champion - RM500 Cash + Trophy + Certificate
Runner-up -RM300 Cash + Trophy + Certificate
1st runner-up -RM200 Cash + Trophy + Certificate2nd
runner-up -RM100 Cash + Trophy + Certificate
4 Consolation Prizes Hamper worth RM50
The organizers welcomes male & female youth of all races to register and participate
For full details of the activities,
please visit http://beliawaniswilayah.blogspot.com/
OR contact Ms Nicole Wong at 012-326 9096 / email nicole.wong89@gmail.com ;
Ms Ong Yu Pey at 012-368 2815 / email yupey-26@hotmail.com
P/s: Kindly fax the registration form to 03-42929899 OR email to the mentioned email address
before the closing date of the registration.
For registration fee please bank in to -
CIMB Back Acc No:14220012374053 (Ren Xi Event Management)
and fax over the bank-in slip to 03-42929899/email to the mentioned
email address.
Warmest regards,
Nicole Wong
Chief of Beliwanis Wilayah Persekutuan
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