On 18/5/2009, the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council has announced the setting up of “Puteri BN”. Unlike MCA, not all component parties of BN have their own female youth wing.
Do you think it is necessary to set up “Puteri BN” ? Why ? What are the pros and cons ?
Let’s gather our views and opinions here. What’s your suggestion for MCA to facilitate this initiative ? What does the future have in store for Beliawanis Wanita MCA in light of the establishment of “Puteri BN” ?
Pada 18/5/2009, Majlis Tertinggi Barisan Nasional telah bersetuju untuk menubuhkan Puteri BN. Tidak seperti MCA, bukan semua parti komponen BN mempunyai sayap untuk golongan wanita muda.
Pada hemat anda, adakah penubuhan Puteri BN wajar? Mengapa?
Apakah ciri-ciri kelebihan atau kekurangannya?
Marilah kita mengumpulkan pandangan dan pendapat sekalian. Anda ada cadangan untuk MCA dalam menjayakan inisiatif ini ? Apakah masa depan untuk Beliawanis Wanita MCA dengan adanya Puteri BN ?

Behind the news 新闻背景:
Puteri BN To Attract Younger Generation
KUALA LUMPUR, May 19 (Bernama) -- Puteri Barisan Nasional (BN), whose establishment was agreed to by the party leadership, can be the best platform to attract youth of various races to join BN's component parties to support the present government, said Puteri Umno chief Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin.
She said Puteri BN would be able to overcome the problem of racial polarisation that had been challenging of late and also act as the apex body to coordinate national activities for the young generation.
In a statement today, Rosnah said Puteri Umno believed that young generation leaders from the Puteri MIC, MCA, the People's Progressive Party and Gerakan would welcome the establishment of the movement.
Rosnah said young women in component parties needed to articulate several proposals which could be forwarded to the BN Supreme Council to ensure that Puteri BN was really effective.
Officially setup Puteri BN
Tuesday May 19, 2009 - Najib said the Barisan supreme council decided yesterday to officially create the Barisan Nasional Puteri movement. The component parties will carry out the follow-up action in their respective parties.
Wanita MCA Studying Puteri BN Structure
KUALA LUMPUR, May 16 (Bernama) -- Wanita MCA is studying the structure of Puteri Barisan Nasional (BN) as mooted by Puteri Umno, Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said Saturday.
She said if the proposed structure was suitable and in line with MCA's principles, Wanita MCA would have no problem joining it.
Chew said MCA, especially the Wanita wing did not rule out the effectiveness of the roles played by young women, but needed to ascertain the objective and the basic structure of the proposed new wing.
"Not all BN component parties have their own Puteri wings and if they do, their structures might be different from Puteri Umno.
"In MCA for instance, we have established our own Beliawanis wing since 1992 where the members comprise those below 35 years old," she told a press conference after opening a blogging course for Wanita MCA members, here.
we are not 'laku', 因为女青年本来就是因该参加,参与及享有决策权。 let's look forward for the discussion. 只要是以全国不分种族的女青年为本,为出发点,我必定会积极响应及参与。
ReplyDeletethat's the confusion here.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great idea, in line with the "1 Malaysia" concept which we should all be working towards.
ReplyDeleteWe should set an example to others - by 1st 'walking the talk', i.e. to embrace the multi-culturalism, ethnicism in our country. Such "Puteri BN" platform will be fit for this purpose, whereby we can get to know, understand more of our friends from other race, religion, and culture, especially when contributing together in solving National Issues, support our Leaders with youth's input & ideas. After all, aren't we part of the 'same Big Family'(BN)?
Whilst we await to find out more of the detailed structure of this "Puteri BN" setup, all representatives from respective component parties should be treated as Equal Partners, with no one subservient to the other - this should be the Spirit, the Rule of Thumb.
Dengan adanya "Puteri BN", ini tidak bererti bahawa sayap wanita muda dalam parti-parti komponen BN (jikalau wujud) tidak diperlukan lagi. Sebaliknya, ini akan menggalakkan penubuhan platform khas untuk golongan wanita muda dalam setiap parti komponen BN.
ReplyDeleteMalahan, besar kemungkinan bahawa inisiatif ini akan mengukuhkan identiti, semangat cintai bangsa, negara kerana setiap kaum mempunyai ciri-ciri unik tersendiri yang patut dibanggakan (dari segi budaya, bahasa dan sebagainya). Kita semua patut menumpukan perhatian terhadap Persamaan sesama kita sendiri dan bukannya perbezaan (yang patut dilihat sebagai Keistimewaan tersendiri bagi setiap kaum masing-masing).
Ini boleh bermula dari segi penguasaan bahasa kebangsaan (BM), bahasa ibunda ('mother tongue'languages) seperti Bahasa Cina, Tamil, dan sebagainya.
Cuba fikirkan 'kepelbagaian' rakan-rakan di sekeliling anda - adakah anda mempunyai kawan-kawan 'muhibbah'? Jika tidak, tunggu apa lagi?? Mulai saat ini, anda patut bertekad untuk mengenali jiran, rakan seperjuangan dll.
Terpulanglah kepada generasi muda seperti saudara dan saudari sekalian untuk merealisasikan konsep "1 Malaysia" - inikan negara kepunyaan kita semua - mari kita bersama-sama menjayakannya.
KEPIMPINAN MELALUI TELADAN - Jangan kita cakap tak serupa bikin. ; )