Thursday, January 1, 2009

Beliawanis Background 女青年的成长之路

Beliawanis was established in 1992 under the leadership of Wanita MCA Chairperson, Dato’ Teng Gaik Kwan. In the following year, Tang Kat Kuey was appointed as the first Beliawanis Chairperson. Beliawanis was established as an activist group for young women affairs.

In 1995, during the “First National Beliawanis Leadership Training Camp”, Beliawanis’ goals and direction were formulated. Chew Mei Fun was also appointed as the new Chairperson. Under her leadership, Beliawanis broke the record as Malaysia’s largest Mount Kinabalu female hiking group in 1998. In the same year, Beliawanis also collaborated with MCA Youth to organize a “Local Artistes Patriotic Concert” nationwide.

In 2000, Chok Kim Moy became the next Beliawanis Chairperson. During her tenure, she actively promoted folk dancing and encouraged young women to participate in the Merdeka Folk Dance celebration around the country.

In 2004, Ling Lae Feei succeeded as Chairperson of Beliawanis. She championed an Anti-Violence Campaign to teach young women to say “No” to violence.

In 2005, Carol Chew Chee Lin was appointed as the fifth Chairperson of Beliawanis. Under her stewardship, the “Ten Activities Platform” was established. In 2006, Beliawanis successfully organized a “Destiny of Hope – Beliawanis, Towards a New Era” National Convention.

In 2008, Tee Hooi Ling became the sixth Chairperson of Beliawanis. Beliawanis promotes youth related activities in order to cultivate knowledgeable, professional and forward-thinking young leaders.

女青年,于1992年,在当时马华妇女组主席拿督邓育桓副部长的栽培下成立。1993年,郑洁慧被委为第一任局主任,全面推动女青年活动。1995年3 月,在吉隆坡国际青年中心举办的<第一届全国女青年工作坊领袖集训营>中,女青年正式统一活动、方向与目标,选出第二任中央女青年主任周美 芬,女青年也渐渐进入发展期。






1 comment:

  1. Dear Yang Berhormat Senator Datuk Heng Seai Kie,
    Please suggest to your colleagues in the Malaysian Chinese Association Party to spread the party in Sarawak. The Chinese community will be happy, keen and interested to join the party especially women and youth. The MCA Party have spread to all Malaysian states except Sarawak so I hope that the MCA Party can be spread to Sarawak for the Sarawak community. Thank you very much for your consideration and your support.
